Bus travel in Sintra to Pena,Setiais,Monserrate,Regaleira,Cabo da Roca,Cascais
Other´s leave you half way
with the first´s rain, only at the last days of October, the difficulty of driving a bus to the top of the hill by this winding road increase. The last klm is in "pavé" and when is raining it get very slippery. The steep slopes, the tight curves, grooves, gaps, ups and downs, the dirt and leaves, make the wheels spinning and most of the cars don´t make it to the top. So the others buses are spinning!, their drivers sweating!, their passengers looking like they had just seen the lady in white (local ghost), and they had to give up and leave their passengers half way to the top. We had 5 buses working that day, on the regular 434 line and special rent, and they all make it to the top and back, in safety and smoothness, and we even give a ride ON MY BUS to the passengers of the other company!!?. You don´t need to be a "special one" but they are some driving skills, experience, you need to have; and some secrets about this every changing grip road you need to know. That´s in days like this a sometimes think we make it seems to simple!!!. Another day of amazing drive guys!!!. Photos and other references are not appropriated
My poor Japanese
Living the bus stop of Palacio da pena a Japanese girl address to me and ask. - Do this bus stop at the Mouros castle ?. I reply. - No,we only have a bus stop at the Moorish castle on the way up, from Pena it goes directly back down,to the historic center. -O.K.,she said and take a seat ON MY BUS. Arriving at the train station,the last bus stop,she ask me pointing to a day ticket. - Can I use this ticket TO MOUROS?. - Yes I said,if you take the 434 again you can step out at the Mouros castle on the way up. She look at me and ask me again. -O.K. can I use this ticket TOO MOURO?. Sometimes I need to stop.I was looking at her trying to understand !A Japanese student in Germany,if she talks so well English that mean `s she understand it , so why did she ask me the same question 2 times. She was looking back,blinking,and ask me again. - Yes,but can I use this ticket TO MOORO?. Then she said something in Japanese, certainly nice, and I immediately understood. - Oh sorry, no, you can ´not use the same ticket again TOMORROW.
Retrato a nossa B.C.
Inapagavel o momento ao ver o meu colega a contorcer-se de vermelhada gargalhada, lágrimas nos olhos, um braço tentando segurar as convulsões de riso do estômago que faziam-no babar-se que nem um buldogue inglês, não conseguindo pronunciar palavra apontava com um dedo. Era uma chinezinha que atravessava a rua ao pé coxinho num esforço sobre-humano de não danificar o que se tinha agarrado no pé. Conseguindo chegar junto do seu companheiro, ele olhou boquiaberto, extasiado com tal fenómeno acontecido no ténis da menina. Depois de conferenciarem, voltaram a atravessar a rua para poderem comprovar que tal coisa estava mesmo no passeio português. Depois de olhar, baixaram-se para ver de perto, cheirar (só faltou por o dedo e degustar) era claramente o momento para apontar a maquina fotográfica. Ela lá se pós em pose no passeio, com o pé sempre no ar !, qual sapatilha de cristal barrada a creme de ouro, e ele lá tirou a foto para a posteridade de algures na Ásia. Tanto investimento na calçada portuguesa e afinal basta deixar aqui e ali, no passeio, como se de um esquecimento histórico se tratasse um pouco da nossa Bosta Canidea ( B.C.).
Chegando a paragem , mal se abre a porta disparam perguntas.
-Como é que funciona esse ónibus ?
Resposta d ´escape do motorista:
- A gasóleo
-E quanto é que custa ir a esse castòlio !! é museu do oleò ???
-Pra ai 1.30 o litro.
-Litrus !??! não aceita Euros não !!!
-Como é que funciona esse ónibus ?
Resposta d ´escape do motorista:
- A gasóleo
-E quanto é que custa ir a esse castòlio !! é museu do oleò ???
-Pra ai 1.30 o litro.
-Litrus !??! não aceita Euros não !!!
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